When you say, “I live in Italy,” everyone imagines gorgeous men and women, pizza, and wine. The men and women are relatively attractive and often dressed well. The wine is great, and so is the pizza, but there are other aspects of Italian life that are weirder, sadder, and more entertaining.
First we’ll begin with this trailer, a documentary called Italy, Love It, Or Leave It. I interviewed the directors recently and they were awesome (I was weird and awkward as usual). It’s a story about real Italy, their problems, and the incredible amount of human shit in their water. Yep. You read that right (it’s the reason it’s illegal to swim in most lakes and river).
Then there is this: It’s supposed to be a mop but is actually just a dirty rag you push around on the floor. I don’t know why anyone still uses this. My mother-in-law was PISSED when I wanted to buy something else. I get tradition, but mop traditions? Seriously? WTF!?

This is a medieval device for torture. Rather than clean, it pushes the dirt and hair around on the floor until the user it so frustrated they just give up and hire a maid.
A lot of people peeing in the streets. I’ve done a fair share of drunk peeing in Florence alleys, so I’m not judging anyone. But seriously, Florence, maybe a few public bathrooms would be nice?

“Accidental Viewing Of Florence Italy” By Fine Art By Kelly Borsheim
This woman screaming on a bus. Italians consider Americans to be loud but Italians really know how to scream when they’re upset about something (or really excited about food).
These women, a fist fight, nudity, a gladiator, and a vespa getaway (I can’t even make this shit up guys).
And this ad. Whenever I write about Italians screaming or being a little dramatic I always get at least once comment from people swearing that it’s a “cliche” and even if I experience it regularly with my own eyes it doesn’t actually happen. However, Dolce & Gabbana seem to view the culture the same way that I do. Here is what my in-laws kitchen looks like during holidays. No shit. Let me also add that I don’t actually think that being expressive is a negative thing. I’ll take screaming and yelling to serial killer silence any day. PS. Francesco promised to buy me one of these dresses when I finish my book. I’m not letting you off the hook FRANCESCO. Better start saving.
And this. This has nothing to do with Italy but LOOK AT HIM! LOOK!