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I Made A Baby

written by M.E. Evans May 30, 2019

I’ve been gone, for like a really long time. WHY? Well, I had a baby! Yes, apparently they’ll let just anyone do that now. Everyone, meet the coolest infant on this side of the sun: Leone. Fresh from the womb, BOOM!

Being his mom is amazing because he’s the happiest baby I’ve ever met, is the most alert baby I’ve ever met (like, so alert I worry that someone is slipping him baby meth) and also because he makes noises like a dinosaur. But also being a mom is kicking my ass. Guys, I didn’t even know it was possible to stay awake for days straight without booze and illegal uppers (Leo, if you read this one day, I am joking. I never did either).

Fresh out the womb. A womb graduate, if you will.

He was born at 12:39 a.m on a cold winter day and he is almost FIVE months old. You can read my birth story on my other blog that I just started (it’s very new so I still don’t even know what to call it…ideas?). Why another blog? I wanted to write about non-travel related stuff, too, like being a mom, and that one time I had pet rocks, and the time I met my dad and was convinced he was a mafia boss and going to kidnap me, or the other time I tried to open a nightclub at age 9. You know, life.

Francesco and I are totally smitten with our little one and also afraid. I have like 24/7 anxiety. Francesco follows him around with a thermometer to check his temperature 4,000 times per day and I’ve become a professional facial expression reader. Is he happy? SAD? WHY IS HE FROWNING!? IS HE BREATHING? POKE HIM! No joke, I have poked him awake no less than 200 times.

Overall, despite the intense sleep exhaustion, we’re obsessed and I’m excited to write about raising a bilingual, multicultural, jet-setting baby so stay tuned for plenty of upcoming posts on the subject. In the meantime, do you have any baby tips for me?

In other news, I finished my book. My editor is finishing up her final proofread as we speak, and it will be available THIS SUMMER. It was originally going to launch in June but due to my baby’s four-month sleep regression (HOLY FUCK HELP ME) I have not been able to keep up with obligations. I was sad to delay and worried it would impact the book negatively but at the end of the day, keep on keeping on, y’all. It doesn’t hurt that I got a ton of messages from you lovely humans telling me how this blog has helped you in some way and I was like, I WILL DO ALL THE THINGS IF IT KILLS ME (and it might so make sure my son knows that I love him and also that grandma is a goddamn liar and trolls do not live in your nose).

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