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I’m opening up the gates for Italy experts to contribute to Surviving In Italy. I’ll take articles, essays, lists, advice, guides, video and photos. I’m looking for talented writers, photographers, videographers with some authority on Italy.

Memoir: Essays, personal narrative, short stories, are always welcome here.

Expat living: I love articles, blog posts, lists, resources, that help make the expat experience livable. It can be difficult so relatable, honest, heartfelt, funny, inspiring posts can really help our fellow expats through their struggles.

Travel: Honest, no-bullshit travel advice for tourists who want an authentic travel experience. I’m looking for Off-The-Beaten-Path advice. Things that people should see, go, or do while in Italy that isn’t your typical thing.

Social Commentary: I love social commentary. Poignant questions, combatting the status quo, going bold (without being ethnocentric…or at least trying) and I’m all about it.

Humor: Anything funny relating to Italy is my favorite. I like to laugh.

Politics, Economics, History: Help people understand what’s going on with Italy. Keep it light, and simple, and I’ll be all about it.

Guides: Have you experienced something that you could write a guide on like getting your Italian driver’s license, getting citizenship, getting health insurance, etc? I pay $$$ for guides.

Photography/Video: I love journalistic-type stuff that documents life in Italy. I’ll occasionally go for landscape, food, and architecture but I prefer it along with writing of some kind. I’d love someone to do street fashion photography for me as well.

I’ll pay established contributors with a strong social media/blog following. If you’re just starting out and less established, I’ll see how people respond to your stuff and if you get a lot of comments, traffic, shares, etc., I’ll add you to the paid contributors list.


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Sarah Baker June 13, 2015 at 12:54 pm

Misty you are great! I love to hear all your crazy stories. I hope that someday I will be as brave and outgoing as you are. Until then I will just have to teach myself Italian and find a career path that will take me to Italy. Thanks for all you do. 🙂 Oh and good luck getting a capybara they are adorable.

Liz June 20, 2019 at 11:38 am

Hi! recently came across this blog and it’s been loke therapy for me!! I live in Spain with my Sicilian partner and on and off witb his parents who perpetually come to visit. Congrats on the baby, he’s adorable! We also just had a baby, in October (yes, the in laws came to stay with us for three and a half months). I read and reread these posts when I get overwhelmed and they give me perspective and remind me of my sense of humor. So spot on, I feel like you are in my head! Great blog😊


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