It’s not every day that your husband sends you an article that makes you question whether or not humans should be wiped from the face of the planet. It’s mostly every other day, and especially a few days ago when I read about Alice Sabatini, otherwise known as Miss Italia 2015. I’m worried, guys, that our species is beyond fixing. Sure, we’ve poisoned the planet, destroyed our own ecosystem, and are currently experiencing mass extinction only ever seen before during DINOSAUR TIMES, but I like to think, to hope, that if enough really good people breed (and the assholes stop) we can turn things around.
Now, I’m no so sure. We might be totally doomed, guys.
If you haven’t heard about Miss WWII, well, you’re in for a real treat. Here’s the story, according to The Chronicle,“”A Miss Italy contestant has faced ridicule after telling judges she would like to experience World War Two.
When asked which historical period she would most like to live in, 18-year-old Alice Sabatini paused for a moment before replying “1942” – one of the darkest years in Italian history under the Mussolini dictatorship.
Likely a little baffled, a woman on the beauty contest judging panel asked: “1942? During World War Two?”
Sabatini confirmed her choice and said she had read a lot about the period.
“Well… to see really what the Second World War was like, since the books talk about it for page after page. I want to live it.
“In any case I am a woman so I wouldn’t have had to do military service, so I would have been at home with the fear of…” she said, trailing off with a light laugh.””
She wanted to live during WWII guys, cause, ya know, Hitler, Mussolini, assholes galore, why the fuck not? Plus, she has a vagina, so all she’d have to do is, ya know, sit home hungry (food wasn’t exactly plentiful during the war) and wait for her brothers, husband, and childhood friends to be shipped home in body bags. Yay!

English: The image is a depiction of Benito Mussolini from 1917 when he was a soldier of World War I Italiano: Benito Mussolini nel 1917 durante la Prima guerra mondiale (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
And here’s what people on Twitter are saying in response to this eighteen-year-old super genius. It’s pretty damn hilarious, I highly suggest all of you to #MissItalia right this minute. It’s glorious.
#BellaVita #MissItalia #warset #headshot #friends #summer42 #trip #lovelive
— Edgar Nava (@pollonava) September 24, 2015
#bellavita #MissItalia #warset #headshot
— Lorenzo Siri (@LorenzoSiri) September 23, 2015
And if you’re thinking that things couldn’t get any weirder with this pretty lady, later, when asked which Italian historical figure she admired she smiled, proudly, and giggled, “Michael Jordan.”
Clearly, Miss Italia chosen for her amazing intellect and not at all for her impressive brazillian bikini wax. Sigh. Universe, please help us.